Get Ready for An Emengency

Get Ready for An Emergency!
All this time the world has faced a bunch of disasters. Basically, disaster is divided into two categories. Most of disasters are caused by natural origin, however, some disasters can be manmade as well. Natural disaster is something endless in this world. In Indonesia, many kinds of natural disaster that has happened, such as flood, earthquake, tsunami, and many others. Indonesia has a complete potential box of disasters.
  • ·         Pacific ring of fire and Alpide belt
There are the Pacific ring of fire and Alpide belt in this country. Moreover, Indonesia stands on a meeting point of several tectonic plates and collision of these plates can occur anytime. That is the cause of earthquake as well as tsunami.
  • ·         The active volcanoes that excessive
The other potential thing is the status that Indonesia is the country with the greatest number and density of active volcanoes.
  • ·         Weather condition
All the climate stuff really affect on what happens next. There was several times when Indonesia has crucial weathering climate storm. Then there was another several times when Indonesia experienced landslides. Further, flood become a routine disaster here. Those disasters are climate cause.

These debacles are often difficult to be predicted. We absolutely cannot deny or avoid such disasters, but we can make ourselves to get ready in facing them. Having an emergency kit is an example of the preparedness. In fact, many who do not know what emergency kit is like. Such as the name, emergency kit is a bag which is equipped with basic needs to survive in an emergency. This kit is benefited to get ready for any situation. Since you do not know what condition you will face when an emergency occurs, you need to prepare this kit.

       First, you have to prepare the essential supplies in your emergency kit. Here are the things that you extremely need:
  • ·         Water and food; Human cannot survive without water and food, so provide them for at least three days. Caned food are really recommended since it is durable.
  • ·      A first aid kit; The next is First aid kit, it is a must in an emergency kit I order that that you can help yourself or other people when an emergency occur. So you do not need to wait for an emergency medical technician.
  • ·    A whistle or flaslight; Then, you should have whistle or flashlight for help signal so someone can find your location easily.
  • ·  Toiletry; Prepare some tissues or soaps for avoiding any uncomfortable potential situation.
  • ·   Plastic; Just bring it! There is always a condition that require us to use plastics. We do not know when we will need it.
  • ·     Clothes; There is a possibility that the survivor have to wait several days to meet a rescuer.
  • ·     Blanket or sleeping bag; Try to not get sick in this kind of situation. One of the effort is to keep warm when you are sleeping.
  • ·     Important documents; A set of important family documents or a family photo is equally important because it will be a really helpful thing if you are separated from your family.
  • ·   A radio; If it is possible, make sure your kit is equipped by a radio. A broadcasting for updating the information of the situation. Besides, it can be an entertainer.
  • ·         A waterproof bag; Another thing to remember is your emergency  kit must be a waterproof bag due to the endurance.

Divide your stuff in different place. You can use plastic for each necessity. Give each plastic a name based on the content. Further, the content of an emergency kit can be customized to each person need.

       After gathering the basic supplies, remember to keep up the kit, so it will ready when required. Putting your stuff in different container or classifying your stuff will make you easier to find and maintain them. Give a cool and dry place for the canned food to avoid a damaged sustenance. Take care of the things which can be expired such as food and medicine. Just imagine should you consume an expired thing in an emergency, the condition may be worse. So do not forget to supplant the expired items as needed. Needs also can change whenever, for this reason you need to reconsider consistently and update your kit as your needs change. As has been noted, maintaining your kit is important for keeping your stuff in a good condition.

       Preparedness is needed at any time and in anywhere, hence put on an emergency kit for each:
  • Home; Keep the kit in an assigned place and get it prepared in the event that you need to leave your home rapidly. Ensure all family members know where the kit is kept. 
  • Work Place; Next, prepare an emergency kit to bring about to your office. It is reasonable because of more than a half of day you spend your time at work place. It would be advisable if you had better to get ready for the other shoes. Prepare a comfortable walking shoes.
  • Vehicle; Were you usually ride or drive a car to anywhere, it is recommended to have an emergency kit in your car.

Indeed, getting ready emergency kits for some places will help you to survive when an emergency happens.

       Preparing a survival or an emergency kit is one of the way to anticipate disaster or emergency situation. Emergency kit is contained by urgent needs that can help people through an emergency. These urgent needs must be maintained so it is ready when needed. It will be very good should people have several emergency kits in different places. This thing is such a magic kit. It is like the magic pocket of Doraemon that can give people anything in an emergency. Since you live in a country that has numerous disasters, you must get a kit of this kind as you preparedness. Note further that appeal your family and neighborhood to prepare this kit can avoid them from the worse situation when there is emergency and it is really a donor thing.


  1. 🙌 I think Indonesian extremely have to know this kind of preparedness


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